Dzambazovski, Clement.

Dzambazovski, Clement (Ohrid, 1919 – Belgrade, 27. ⅸ 2006) – Macedonian historian, archivist, academician. He finishes primary education in his hometown, and the teacher school in Jagodina, Serbia (1939). After a brief teacher, he finishes studies after pedagogy and history of the Sofia University. He was elected as an assistant at the Department of Pedagogy at the Faculty of Philosophy at the University of Skopje (1949). After detention from the IB and exclusion from the Faculty, it becomes an external associate of the Archives of Macedonia with a workplace in Belgrade (1952). The Historical and Philology Faculty of Belgrade defends the doctoral dissertation “Cultural-social relations of Macedonia with Serbia during the ⅹⅰⅹ century” (1959). Thanks to the rich research of archives in Serbia and published papers, he was elected for a senior research associate at the Balkan Institute of Sanu (1969), where he is retired (1 and 1985). He was elected as a member of the MANA outside the working composition (2006). Publishes more studies and a number of separate publications. The most significant is the series of “Mark for the history of the Macedonian people from the archive of Serbia” in 5 volumes in 14 special books covering the period from 1820 to 1891. Unpublished remains prepared T. C, kn. Ⅲ (1892- 1893). For this series he received the “11 October” award. Rare and thorough connoisseur of documentation for Macedonia in archives in Serbia. BIB.: Cultural-social connections of Macedonians with Serbia during the century, Skopje, 1960; Material about the history of the Macedonian people from the Archives of Serbia, and / 1 (1820-1848), and / 2 (1849-1856), ⅱ / 1 (1856-1863), ⅱ / 2 (1864-1868), ⅲ / 1 (1868- 1873), ⅲ / 2 (1874-1878), ⅳ / 1 (1879-1885), ⅳ / 2 (1886-1887), ⅳ / 3 (1888-1889), in / 1 (1890), B2 (1891), Skopje, 1979-1991). Bl. R. Gazi Isa-Begov Mosque in Skopje (ⅹⅴ c.) The Mosque of Gazi Isa-Bey

Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
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