Chukelevski, Vangel (Bitola, 20th and 1910 – Belgrade, 8. And 1983) – a prominent participant in NOVM, a military pilot, a senior JNA officer. Bill the Organizer of the Near in Bitola, a member of the CPM (1944), Commander of the Fourth Operational Zone of New and Pom, promoted in Qin Major (1. ⅶ 1944) and commander of the first Macedonian Nawb (8th – ⅵ – 25. ⅸ 1944), First Assistant to the Chief of GS of New and Pom (of 25. ⅸ 1944). He was elected a delegate of the second session of AVENY and a participant at the first session of ASNOM. He decorated from the NME New and Paus with Order Partisan Star (September-October 1944) and promoted in Lieutenant Colonel (1. ⅹⅰⅰ 1944). After the liberation, there was a variety of responsible duties in the JNA. Exhibit. “Newsletter” of the New and Poj, ⅳ, 44-45, September – October and no. 46-47 of November-December 1944. BIB.: Our brigade, Brotherhood Brigade and Unity, Skopje, 1958, 357-359. Lit.: Ilija Jordanovski, Macedonian proleters. First Macedonian National Liberation Brigade, Belgrade, 1971; Macedonia from the institution to Frame 1941-1945, (Section Radova), Belgrade, 1987; First Macedonian National Liberation Brigade, Skopje, 1991; Dr. Marjan Dimitrievski, Macedonian army 1944- 1945, Skopje, 1999. S. Ml.
Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
Кириличен напис ЧУКАЛЕВСКИ, Вангел