Filipovski, Ljupcho (Bell-city, 22. ⅸ 1933) – Architect, full professor at the Faculty of Architecture in Skopje after the subject architectural structures. He graduated from the architectural department at the Faculty of Technical Faculty in Skopje (1958). Apart from Pedagogical, it also deals with scientific and research, designer and publicistic activity. Realized several residential buildings in Skopje, in Kavadarci and Kocani. He published more articles in expert journals and in the daily press. Lit.: Sun, Energy and Architecture, Skopje, 1995 (with T. Stojkov); Contemporary construction technologies and prefabrication and installation in residential buildings, Skopje, 1997; Waterproofing in the flat roof terraces, Kumanovo, 1998. R. T.
Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
Кириличен напис ФИЛИПОВСКИ, Љупчо