TURMANGOVIOSKI GONMY DIME PANEV. (Kavadarci, 19132001 74130 16158 21.8 57972 78.2 Kralevo, Serbia, 19. 1945) – DPP2002 73985 16230 21.9 57755 78.1 Party of the Communist Movement, Participant in the NOB, Military Management2003 72059 16033 22.2 56026 77.8 Dietel. Member of the CPY of 1941. From 2004 72276 16171 22,4 56105 77,6 1943. is the fighter of the NOOO “Good * hotels, motels, boarding houses and tourist settlements”, then the commander of ** All other commercial capacities (resorts, camps, private rooms, the spa battalion, “Straso Pindzur”, and the like) after the formation of The second source: Ackovska, M. (2007). Tourism and economic development of the Republic of Macedonia – its commander. In it, p. 163. 1944 He became a member of the GS of New and Pom and worked on the terrain of Skopska Crna Gora. A delegate of the first session of ASNOM. He died in a plane crash. I not.: Sources of the Liberation War and the Revolution in Macedonia 1941-1945, and, KN. Second, Skopje, 1968; Tikvesh in New 1941-1945, KN. Sixth, Kavadarci, 1984. F. Malc.

Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
Кириличен напис ТУРИМАНЏОСКИ ГОРСКИ Диме Панев

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