Technical Faculty – Skopje – founded in 1949, with two departments – construction and architectural. The teaching began in October 1949, in part of today’s building at the architectural and construction faculty, then S “under construction. Initially, cadres were educated abroad and specialists from other republics in Yugoslavia were engaged. Soon laboratories, library, developed scientific and publishing activity and conditions for opening new departments were created: Mechanical, electrotechnical and technological metallurgical (1959). He existed until 1965, when he separated himself to three faculties: Architectural-Construction, Electromashinsky and Technological and Metallurgical. He played a pioneering role in the formation of the first engineering staff in the time when the most needed and built foundations for special faculties in the field of technique (V.: Architectural Faculty, Faculty of Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Electrical Engineering and Technology and Metallurgy). L. T.
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