Balkan Communist Federation

Balkan Communist Federation (Sofia, 1920 – Moscow, 1933) – Section of the consignment of the United Balkan comparisies, with the task of coordinating and uniting the proletarian struggle in a common front for the creation of a Balkan federation. The headquarters was in Sofia, Berlin and Moscow. It held 8 conferences on which action declarations were made on current issues, including the Macedonian issue. At first, he did not recognize the existence of the Macedonian people. With the development of the organized Macedonian liberation movement, he changed that attitude. In 1923 She came closer to the position of the Macedonian nation. In 1928 Macedonians legitimized as a special people with the right to their own state and apply the right to self-determination. Lit.: BCP, Comintern “T and Makedonski C” Pros 1917-1946, and, Sofia, 1998: Resolution of ⅷ BCF Conference on the national question in the Balkans and to resolve the Macedonian issue by creating an independent and united Macedonia in The framework of the Balkan Federation of Workers’ Rains, Moscow, September 1928. O. Iv.

Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet

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