Basilica de

Basilica de (Heraclea Lyncestis) – East of the city’s benchmarked by a medieval necropolis. In the period 1980-1986, during the excavation of the three-nave, a cemetery basilica de – Ejtra Muros, built in the time of Justinian, and the necropolis that existed to the end of the ⅵ century, and then at the time of the end of the ⅹ-Xi c. To locate a medieval necropolis, on the middle and southern ship and on the older graves. There are clues that medieval graves (with typical jewelry from the transition of ⅹ in XI c.) They choked around the concomitant chapel built on the ruins of the premature of the Basilica de. Litt.: E. Maneva, Basilica de from Heraclea Lyncestis, “Lychnid”, 7, Ohrid, 1989, 51-61; EAD., The medieval necropolis in the Basilica de in Heraclea, “History”, Jesji, 1, Skopje, 1986. EL. M.

Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
Кириличен напис БАЗИЛИКА ДЕ

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