Butterfly, flashing

Butterfly, flashy (Apathahu Iris L.) – Daily Butterfly. It has characteristic flashy wings, which in the sun spills into various shades of metalotel blue. It is fed with vegetable juices from beech, poplar and willow. It meets on the edges of forests with willows and nasics. Humpling butteries appears with one generation in July and August. Widespread in Northern Europe. In Macedonia is a very rare species. Lit.: Joseph Thurner, Diet Lepidopperfood Yugosljesh Mazedonneens. I. Runderults Mousse. Mac. SCI. Nat. Skopje, 1964; Lionel d. Higginka Anrmand. Riles, and Field Guide to Tekh, Butterflies of Britaine and Euroope, London and Velogon, 1970, 1-381; Paul Wrecker – Predrag Jaxitz, Die Tagfalter Oun Yugoslianoszch Mazedonien Dunrina (Rhutalocauer Unmeferide), Münzhen, 1990. V. T. K. – M. Cr.

Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
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