Pendovski, Branko (Kocani, 27. 1927) – Reporter, short story writer, novelist, playwright. For many years he works as chief editor and director in the publishing houses “Culture” and “Koco Racin”. He is a member of the Macedonian DPM since 1953. He is also a member of the Macedonian Pen Center. Debate with the collection of short stories “game” (1956). In 1973 It turns out the stamp book “Dr. Dr.”, which contains its dramatic texts: “Students”, “under the pyramid”, “Flood”, “Welcome”. Otherwise, P. It establishes its views on literature during the confrontational controversy in which he with a strong assurance of a young “modernist” is represented for the new and antidrinary as a condition for the further aesthetic evolution of Macedonian literature. Part: game (short stories, 1956), our city (short stories, 1963), stairs (novel, 1965), the death of the Order (short stories, 1963), thirst and hunger (radiographed, 1969), plays (students, under the pyramid, flood , Welcome, 1973), plays (travel, heirs, lovers, 1980), elected works (1987). Lit.: Miodrag Foreign, history of Macedonian literature ⅹⅹ century (1990). C. M.-
Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
Кириличен напис ПЕНДОВСКИ, Бранко