Pelasgi, Pellasugs) – Pale Balkan population from the Mediterranean group of nations, who initiated northern Greece – Thessaly and Epirus, and later other areas, and even Italy. They did not belong to the Hellenic Ethnos, as ancient authors regularly marked them as barbarians. Herodotus emphasizes that it is not able to determine which language they spoke. They probably talked about the disappeared prejelic Indo-European language, which left traces in the lexicon of the ancient Greek and in the toponym of Helada and Macedonia. Dodena was the seat of Pelasgi, and Thessaly called Pelasmia, according to the name of her ruler Pelazg. Pelasms are also mentioned as residents of the troy of Troy, and Dodena is called Pelazgian. Also, they also mention among the nations of the island of Crete. By and c. BC – And c. AD One locality in Eastern Thessalia was called Pelasgiotis. Not.: HEROOPS, HISTORIA, Odioni, 1927; Homeri, Opera, Odioni, 1919; Strabon, Geogrophical, Lipsiae, 1895-1913. K. M.R.
Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
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