Ahmeti, Ali

Ahmeti, Ali Ahmeti) (village Zajas, Kichevo, 4 ⅰ 1959) – Asylum, Supreme Commander of the NLA, leader of DUI, MP. A person with a controversial role in internal and internationally. Leader of the Student Movement in Kosovo (1981-1983); After political asylum received from Switzerland (1986) Coordinator of Kosovo / Albanian groups; Leader of student-mining protests in Kosovska Mitrovica (1988-1989) against the Milosevic regime and chief organizer of the protests of the Albanian diaspora in Europe (1989-1990); Commander in the Kosovo Liberation Army in the Kosovo War (1999); The Supreme Commander of NLA (2001), which in June 2001. The United States was officially declared a terrorist organization, and Ahmeti placed on the blacklist of persons with banned entry into the United States (later in Switzerland and other European countries); accused of the judicial authorities of the Republic of Macedonia for committed war crimes in the Republic of Macedonia in 2001, chairman of the Democratic Union for Integration (from 2002); MP in the Assembly of the Republic of Macedonia (2002-2006; 2006-). Lit.: Yeen-Martz Balenti, Arnaud de La Grand, L’Orientsklopoperie Des Atturs, Tonflectz, Violalces Poljustess, Paris, 2001. St. w. and T. Petr. Gafur Xhabir Ahmeti.

Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
Кириличен напис АХМЕТИ, Али

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