The Affair Miss Stone.

Affair Miss Stone (1901-1902) – an affair that occurred with the trimming of US Protestant Miss Ellen Stone and its companion Caterina Zilka Stefanova from TMORO (Jane Sandanski, Hristo Chernopeev and Krsto Assenov). Bi-Lo committed on 21. ⅷ / 3. IX 1901 In the Pirin part of Macedonia between Bansko and Upper Jumiah at the locality leaning Ska La for getting ransom. Negotiations for payment of the purchase and release of the hostage lasted 6 months. The initial amount of funds for redemption was determined at 25,000 Turkish liras. Redemption funds were collected through voluntary contributions. At 31. ⅰ 1902. 14,500 tour were paid in Bansko. Lire. Plunite missionaries were released on 23. ⅱ 1902 In the s. Gradashorians – Strumica. The Miss Stone Affair became world famous and affirmed the Macedonian liberation work. Lit.: Vanco Gjorgjiev, the Miss Stone Affair, History, Jujwia / 1, Skopje, 2002. V. F.

Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
Кириличен напис АФЕРАТА МИС СТОН

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