Atanasov-Bozinin, Atanas (Petrich, 1921 – Petrich, 10. 1975) – Partizan of the Petristic Partisan Department “Andon Popov” and a member of the first, second and third session of ASNOM. In its welcoming speech at the Second Session of ASNOM, he transferred the wishes of the Macedonian people from the Pirin part of Macedonia to unite in a Macedonian national state. Lit.: Velimir Brezoski – Mile Todorovski, the political, national and social composition of the People’s Representatives of the First ASNOM session, “Magazar of INA”, ⅷ / 1, Skopje, 1964; ASNOM. Documents of the first and second session of ASNOM, and 2, Archive of Macedonia, Skopje, 1984. V. Nd.
Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
Кириличен напис АТАНАСОВ-БОЖАНИН, Атанас