ASemanovo Gospel.

ASemanovo Gospel – Verlic briefly election gospel with a monthly, first sex. The XI c., 158 l. It found in 1736 In Jerusalem of ⅹ. S. Asemeni (Josef Simon Assomans), now in the Papal Vatican Library (SIGN. Slav. 3). The transcript is located in southwestern Macedonia and closely related to the traditions of the Ohrid Literary Center. It contains archaic paleographic and linguistic traits, in addition to more pronounced innovations in all language levels (the initiated process of replacing the nox, the IS-commissioning and vocalization of the Erake). The manuscript has an extraordinarily rich ornamentation, there are numerous notes written with Glagolital and Cyrillic confirming that it was in liturgical use at the time when the Glagolitic Center was already squeezed. In the month, Cyril and Methodius, Kliment Ohridski, etc. are mentioned in the month. Saints from Thessaloniki and the nearby environment (Dimitrij Thessaloniki, Achilles Lariski, Strumica Martyrs, etc.). Emailed Multiple, language features complexly reviews another V. Jagic in the first edition of the Code of F. Handles. Lit.: (Choice) F. Rats, Ascesmanov or Vatican Evangeliglist, Zagreb, 1865 (transcript with a glagola with a description of the gap. Points of V. Jagic); I. Blagancic, Ascemanovo Election Evanje, Rome, 1878 (Lat. Krac.); J. Weiss, J. CASH, Evangelial Assomans, and, Praha, 1029 (photocotype.), J. CASUZ, Gospelsár Assemunuv ⅱ, Praha, 1955 (Cyrus., Paracrit. Dycev (Order.), Asemnial Gospel. Codeage Vaticanus Slavyzus 3 Vlaintisus, Sofia, 1981 (Faximil; V. Ivanova-Mavrodovinova, Azemova, Asmeath Gospel. Starbalgary verb ⅹ century. Hearest-historic examination). ZD. R. Asenov-bear, Krst

Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet

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