People’s Liberation Partisan Squad “Drimokol”. (Saint Salvity in the dummy of the village. Vevcani, the second half of August 1943 – s. Palaces, Kichevo, October 1944) – Partisan unit of New and Pom. It was formed by 20 fighters, mostly of Albanian nationality. It is also mentioned as a battalion “Drimokol” (October). His main task was to act among Albanians to discover the Greater Albanian propaganda, for the formation of the NOO and mobilization of new fighters. The combat actions were directed mainly towards attacks on the Struga-Debar. One part of the fighters entered the composition of the first Macedonian-Kosovo Nawb and later in the first Macedonian Nawb. Exhibition: Project NOR, T. Ⅶ, kn. 2, Doc, 1, 7-10. Lit.: Ilija Kalanoski, Liberation War and Revolution in Struga and Struga 1941-1945, Skopje, 1983; Todor Trajanovski, the partisan department “Drimokol”. (Attachment to the study of the People’s Liberation Movement in the Struga Region), “Attachments”, no. 30-31, Bitola, 1979, 327-328; Vlado Shutinovski, Partisan Squad “Drimokol”, Ohridrukrukko in New 1941-1945, kn. Second, New and Military Units, Struga, 1990, 217-223. S. Ml.
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