Mitrov, Todor (village Miravci, Gevgelis, 17. ⅱ 1926) – Full professor at the Faculty of Civil Engineering – Skopje. He graduated from the Mining and Geological Faculty – Belgrade (1953). He was employed at the Faculty of Civil Engineering – Skopje (1956) as an assistant, and then as an assistant, an associate and full professor held teaching on the subjects hydrogeology, engineering geology and mechanics of soils and rocks until his retirement (1988). He was a pro-rector of the University “St. Cyril and Methodius”. In addition to the pedagogical activity, his scientific activity would be directed in the realization of a number of scientific and research projects in the field of hydrogeology, geothermarism and engineering geology, and the results presented them to congresses, symposia and published them. N. Dum.
Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
Кириличен напис МИТРОВ, Тодор