Miladinov, Jordan (Kumanovo, 30. 1922 – Skopje, 23. ⅹ 2001) – City. Ing., order. Prof. At the Faculty of Civil Engineering in Skopje (from 1968 to retirement in 1987) on the subjects in the field of technical mechanics, the strength of the materials and the theory of elasticity and plasticity. He graduated from the Faculty of Civil Engineering in Belgrade (1949) and was the first candidate who defended a doctoral dissertation at the Technical Faculty in Skopje (1955). He taught at all technical faculties at the Skopje University, and he also visited other universities. He specialized in Munich (1955), Zurich (1957) Hanover (1962/63). More functions, out of which are more important: head of the construction department at the Faculty of Technical Faculty (1958-60), a pro-rector of the University (1963-65), head of the construction department of the Architectural Civil Engineering (1965-67). The extremely rich teaching and scientific activity was completed by 7 textbooks, published in several releases. L. T.
Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
Кириличен напис МИЛАДИНОВ, Јордан