Lubankovic, Radivoje (Sabac, Serbia, 31. ⅰ 1910 – Belgrade, 22. ⅹ 1979) – author of the first monograph of the church “St. George “in Kurbinovo. In co-authorship with M. Kourovic, Ljubovic published the study of medieval painting in Ohrid. He managed excavations in “St. Sofia “in Ohrid, from which its research results arise. Other studies are also known. He also dealt with the history of the Ohrid Archbishopric (Patriarchate) at the time of Tsar Samuel and after the fall of his kingdom. BIB.: Old Church villages Kurbinova, “Olderly”, ⅲ, Sir. Kne, ⅹⅴ (1940), Belgrade, 1942, 101-123; Medieval painting in Ohrid, Proceedings, Ohrid, 1961, 101-106; Saint Sophia U Ohridu, conservation Rades of churches St. Sophieu in Ohrid, Belgrade, 1955, 15-18; Les Influencs de la You Polowlough Contemporine Sura La Deoration Des Egroid, Aztes du Jia Congres International D’Toodes Bdzantines, ⅲ, Belgrade-Ozherded 1964, 222-224; La Paineur Mural Ann Serbie ET Ann Macendon Age Jie Et Jia Siithle, IX Corido di Tossura Sul’ Heart is bizantine, Ravenna, 1962, 410-422. Cv. Gr.
Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
Кириличен напис ЉУБИНКОВИЌ, Радивое