Krle, Risto (Struga, 3. IX 1900 – Skopje, 29. ⅹ 1975) – Drama AV-TOR, one of the founders of the Macedonian dramatic art between the two world wars. He was born in the poor family of the Solvar Master. Tuition is irregularly and with certain interruptions. Working with an amateur acting activity in his native Struga, as a member of the Cultural Company “Crn Drim”, in Krle awakens the desire to write a drama. The road from passion to realization is 12 years long. In 1925 He leaves a job in a subbrodel (Albania) where he works as a shoemaker. The same year he also listens to the shaky story about the migrant workers who had that accident after 20 years of operation to return home and be killed by his own for the money he brought from a job. Its best realization (in five acts) “The money is extinguished” it begins to write in 1932 and after many adjustments it ends in the summer of 1937. The stage of the Royal Skopje Theater is set to 27. ⅻ 1938. This dram-ski text of the break sounds most universal from all Macedonian social-bits, because it deals with the eternal problem of the “case” or “randomness” more precisely with the problem of the fateful tragedy. The next drama text written in four act is “Antica” performed in January 1940. The same year, his drama in three acts of “million martyrs”, which shows the social agony of Struga shoes caused by unfair competition. After the liberation, Risto Break enrolls three more plays: “Count Milivoim”, “Easter Day” and “Bride-empty girl”, who do not have the freshness in relation to the previous ones. His work is completed with several more stories and unfinished, extensive “autobiography”. Part: Money is Objective (1938), Mi-Lyon Martyrs (1940), Antice (1940), Gradden (1950), Count Milivois (1958). Lit.: Aleksandar Aleksiev, the founders of the Macedonian drama literature (1976); Miodrag Foreignment, history of Macedonian literature ⅹⅹ century (1990); Jelena Lužina, History of the Macedonian Drama (Macedonian Biha drama) (1995). C. M.-
Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
Кириличен напис КРЛЕ, Ристо