Kosovrian bath

Kosovare Bath – is located 5 km north of Debar, on the very shore of the artificial lake Spilje, at an altitude of 590 m. The spa with MOST is related to the Mavrovo-Debar road. The thermomineral source is predisposed with in-depth raster. The terrain is built of flash sediments containing gypsum. The source gives 68.8 l / sequer, which has a temperature of 48 ° C and radioactivity of 34 m. It contains calcium, magnesium, sodium and potassium, as well as sulphates, hydrocarbons and chlorides. Sulfurdurod is present, and from the few elements of the lithium and fluorus. After the amount of sulfur in one liter of water, K. B. It is in third place in Europe and is very similar to the water from the ahaenic sources. In it with success, rheumatic, gynecological and skin disorders are treated, as well as diseases of gallblades and renal roads. Health tourism in the spa begins to develop in the period between the two world wars, when two hottages of 50 beds (1931 and 1933) were built. Today, the spa has a contemporary hotel of 120 beds, and annually staying after 5,000 visitors. 8-9, Skopje, 1971. Al. ST.

Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
Кириличен напис КОСОВРАШКА БАЊА

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