Kondakov, Nicodemus Pavlovich

Kondakov, Nikodim Pavlovich (Halign, Kurbernia, Russia, 1. (13) XI 1844 – Prague, Czech Republic, 17. ⅱ 1925) – Russian academician, founder of the new Russian archaeological – Nicodim Pavlich Kondakov Guya, a very pronounced investigator of ancient European Arts and innovator of the iconographic method. One of the more prominent Russian scientists-Macedonian. He leads the scientific expedition of the Russian Imperial Academy of Sciences in Macedonia (1900), in whose composition is also located. N. Milyukov and Petar Lavrov. Later, it publishes the book “Macedonia” (1909), which includes in the order of the world’s Macedonian Macedonian. Of 1861 is a student at the historic faculty at the Moscow University, where, under the influence of prof. F. I. Beslauch, he shows interest in archeology and art history, before the “ancient, ancient Christian and Byzantine. Professor of theory and history of the art of the Odessa University (1870 – 1888). He conducted research in Georgia, Turkey, Greece, Egypt. In 1876 it turns out (in Odessa) the first more noticeable scientific study “History of Byzantine art and icon painting”. As a professor of 1888 in St. Petersburg, he dedicates almost thirty years of life to the Hermitage. He performed frequent research in Syria and Palestine. In 1919 he emigrated to Turkey (Constantinople), after some time is a professor at the Sofia University, and from the spring of 1922. It turns to Prague and taught at Charles University, refusing it in the meantime the invitation for the profession of Parisian Sorbonne. He sweeps in science like Patriarch of Wizangology. The monograph “Macedonia” is one correct sight of the Macedonian problem by a high representative of Russian science. Macedonia is represented as the only historical and ethno-cultural whole, so as a superior scientific commentary book is an attachment to the understanding of the general representations of Macedonia in the postmarking period. Lit.: Blaze Ristovski, the early manuscripts of Krste Misirkov in Macedonian language, Skopje, 1998. T. Blagoj Condearcko

Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
Кириличен напис КОНДАКОВ, Никодим Павлович

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