Kanchov, Vasil.

Kanchov, Vasil (Vratsa, Bulgaria 4. ⅶ 1862 – Sofia, 22. ⅰ 1902) – Bulgarian ethnographer. Primary education ended in Vratsa, High School in Lom; He studied Chemistry at the Kharkov university and chemical technology at universities in Munich and Stuttgart (1885-1888). He then comes to work in Macedonia, first as a teacher in the Thessaloniki high school, where he was also its director. He was an exarchical inspector of schools in Macedonia (1893-1897). He was elected Minister of Education of Bulgaria (1901), and then for a People’s MP from Vratsa. The studies of Macedonia was oriented under the influence of Marin Drinov. In extensive labor provides extraordinary useful data for the population and its economic situation in Macedonia from that time. BIB: 10-13, Sofia, 1894-1896; Macedonia. Ethnographers and Statistics, Sophie®, 1900; Orohydrographies for Macedonia, Plovdiv, 1911. Al. ST.

Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
Кириличен напис КНЧОВ, Васил

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