Andrevski, Jovan Minev (village Turj, Ohrid 14. ⅰ 1942) – General General, Chief of Gene-Ralstab of the ARM. He finished secondary military school, military academy, commander and school of folk defense in the JNA. He started as a commander of engineering company, then performed the duties commander of the Engineering Battalion, head of the headquarters of the Engineering Brigade and commander of the Engineering Regiment in the JNA. The ARM performed the duties commander of ⅰ and ⅲ corps and chief of GS of the ARM (11. ⅱ 2000 – 16. ⅵ 2001). He was adviser to the President of the Republic of Macedonia on Military Issues, and then retired (14. ⅲ 2002). C. ST. Andrew (Damjan) Andreev
Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
Кириличен напис АНДРЕВСКИ, Јован Минев