Isaku, Murat

Iskaku, Murat (Murat Isaku) (v. Gike, Tetovo, 1928 – Tetovo, 2005) – writer and translator. He finished elementary school in Tetovo, secondary in Elbasan and Djakovica, and Albanian language studies and literature in Belgrade. He first worked as a teacher, and then as a journalist and editor in MRT (in the editorial board in Albanian). The first songs published in 1951. His creative opus is very rich (collections of poetry, short stories and novels). It is translated into several world languages ​​(French, English, German, Serbian, Japanese, etc.) translates from Albanian to Macedonian language and vice versa. BIB.: Zani and Malty (Voice of Mountain), poetry, 1961; Kurora is a trolelite (soil wreath), poetry, 1968; Dolley PSR Gjhrat is Humbura, (toast for lost things), poetry, 2000; I’m brushing to breathe, poetry, 2001; Banessa NS Katin is the third (apartment in third floor), short stories; GSRSHetha (braid), short stories, 1978; Dielley is Dean Rugshn is Vet (the sun knows his way), Roman, 1965; Flaka is a Warar (overdue Organ), Roman, 1973; Plagred (wounds), Roman, 1975; Rozzite, (Roman, Roman, 1975; Spina (Stains), Roman, 1986; Fatream (unfortunates), 1995. N. S.

Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
Кириличен напис ИСАКУ, Мурат

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