Green crops.

Grands crops – a group of plants from Fam. Brassotzaeeae, with large polymorphism and wide range of prevalence. All the greenish cultures according to the origin are divided into three groups: Mediterranean (Mediterranean), European Aphrodite of Vardar Hill (IV c. The diet used the heads (cabbage, kale, kale-papcac), underdeveloped sords (cauliflower, bro), stem (alabash), leaves, or junior heads (Chinese cabbage, Beking cabbage). They consume in a fresh state for salad, cooked, canned (pickled), marinated and dried (dehydrated). They are characterized by a low energy value of 1,300 J (Glavel cabbage) to 3,000 J (kale). They are rich with mineral substances, vitamin S, sugars and essential amino acids. In the world, the greenware cultures are grown at around 2,500,000 ha, in our 4,500 ha, the most cabbage, cauliflower, kale and alabas. Green cultures are relatively tolerant at low temperature. Niknua rubbed at 2-3 C, the optimal Temo dishwasher is 18-20 C, and for the formation of vegetative o mass (heads, etc.) 16-18 S. Cabbage (Brassness Olevation lime. The arers) – In our conditions are grown for early (outdoors and in protected areas), late (autumn, outdoors) and winter production in the warm areas. It is grown with seedling old 30-50 days, depending on the time of production. Cauliflower (Brassness Oberal lime. Botraztis) – In our country, a relatively new culture. It is grown due to underdeveloped compacted flower branches, which make up the head. Is grown similarly as the cabbage. Brocola (Brassness Olevation Var. Italica) – a newer culture in our country, which is rapidly spreading in production. It is grown in the open and in protected areas. Is consumed only in cooked condition. Alabash (Brassness Olevation lime. Gongswoods) – is grown due to the hoping of overhead tree, is consumed cooked, less frequently in a fresh condition. It is grown for early, intermediate and late production, with planting. Kale and Kale-Popcock – less represented green leaves crops in production. They are quite tolerant at low temperatures. The limited surfaces are growing as well as Chinese cabbage, leaf cabbage, etc. of the genus Bras.

Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
Кириличен напис ЗЕЛКОВИ КУЛТУРИ

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