Western Slavic languages

Western Slavic languages ​​-. branch from the Slavic language family. The ancestors of today’s bearers in the West Slavic languages ​​after the dissolution of the Prezzlement linguistic community went to the northwest of the assumed Pravato and took the territory along the River and Laba (GERM. Elbe). This territory over the centuries decreased due to German expansion to the east. For one of the West Slavic dialects, the Palpan (between Oder and Laban to the Baltic), today we learn from the toponyms and the old monuments of ⅹⅴⅰⅰⅰ c. The language died because his bearers were completely germanized. The territory of Dolno and the upper of the old polar territory is drastically reduced dramatically. Today Luzhacans live in a small, not very compact enclave in East Germany. On the other hand, in the West Slavic territory, two Slavic standard languages ​​were formed with the longest written tradition – Czech (ⅹⅰⅰⅰ c.) And the Polish (ⅹⅳ c.). Today the West Slavic Language Community has four standard languages: Polish, Czech, Slovak and (Upper) crushes. Attempts for codification and implementation of the Cashuk Standard, but due to the large dialectable differentiation of the Casholf territory (in northwestern Polish to the Baltic), these processes encounter many obstacles. Also, the Russian standard is not done, i.e. Standard variant of a group of dialects with an Eastern Base based on which the Ukrainian dialect is impressed. Lit.: S. Ivsic, Slavic Garden Grammar, Zagreb 1970; R. Nahtigal, Slavic Jesiki, Lyubljanna, 1952; Z. Vieber, Zarsh of the Greensy Portnnzhej J & ZSKNA Szonjiavcch, NAAs, 1989; A. Waillance, Grammair Tsparée Des Langoes Slaves, Ib, Paris 1950-1974. Z. T.

Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet

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