Law Sudney Love – the oldest Slavic legal written monument. There are more theories of his authorship, time and meat of creation. Due to moravisms in language, separate legal settings, Ka-Faximil’s money units from “Law Sudney Love” Co and the Byzantine eklora located at the base, with a great deal of security can be argued that it was created in Moravia from St. Methodius before 870 (when the epics is replaced by the prohibio) regarding the placement of the church and legal bases of the new church, in addition to the existing legal regulations regarding the changes. Lit.: V. Ganev, Disconnected Ljunting, Legal-Historical and Legal-Analytical Studies /, Sophie / 1959; M. N. Tihomirov, L. C. Milo, law Landy Lydem Short editions, AN USSR, Moscow, 1961; R. Despite, “Velikaravesky Sim, Curkovski / Rsi Entrants in Czkovom KN / History, Magna Morvia, Unplifent K 1100. Vzebutchou Bdzantzke Misa of Morav, Praha 1965; I. Forecast, “Ludies Lyudïr”, “Summary Code Pro Lid”, the IMFH, WAL. IV, Brno, 1971; K. Ilievska, Law7 Associate Envam7, MANU, Skopje 2004; K. A. Maximov, Zgl, Moscow 2004. Cr. Il.
Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
Кириличен напис ЗАКОН СУДНИЈ ЉУДЕМ