Amyhay, Jehuda (Sehuda Amitshai) (Würzburg, Germany, 2. ⅳ 1924 – Jerusalem, 1. ⅹ 2000) – One of the first Israeli poets wrote his poetry in Hebrew. He published 13 books of Poetry in Hebrew, a dozen elections in English (four of which were issued bilingual), then two novah, of which the novel did from this time, not from this place (1963) is one of the most read in Israel, one collection of short stories , three books for children and a collection of plays. His poetic books experience huge circuits. It is over twenty world languages. Winner Yehuda Amyhaj is of many awards for literature (Israel), and becomes a first poet from abroad who received the “literary lion” award (New York Library), as well as the Golden Wreath of the SVP (1995). BIB.: Songs (1948-1962), Jerusalem, 1963; Poetry, SVP, Struga, 1995. Lit: Z. Anchevski, the poetic archeology of Amyhay, poetry, SVP, Struga, 1995. P. Gil.
Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
Кириличен напис АМИХАЈ, Јехуда