DOO, Marko (Padova, Italy, 1946) – Italian UNIV. Professor, historian, Balkanist, Southoslare and Macedonian. Starts as an assistant at the Faculty of Social-Political Science in his hometown, he is then a professor at the Faculty of Literature and Philosophy, and at the Institute for Medieval and Contemporary History of the University of Trieste. Scientific preoccupation is the buffer-Balkan and South Slavic history (ⅹⅰⅹ and ⅹⅹ c.), With special attention to the Macedonian cultural and national history. BIB.: La Dynamies is La Mesaluna. La Luceiona Macedone Nella Publicist Ialiya 1903-1908, Udine, 1983; Lingua is the national in Macendonia. Vicentede is the pennieri di profession Disaires 1902-1903, Milan, 1985; Svetozar Markovitz, Il Socialismo Until Balsani. Chargs of Scients A Tzur di Marzo Dogo, Rimini-Florense, 1975. BL. R.
Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
Кириличен напис ДОГО, Марко