Goodoov, Alexander (Violain, 19. 1909 – Skopje, 9. ⅶ 1983) – Ballet player, pedagogue, choreographer. Ballet education acquires the theater artistic ballet in a white city. It becomes a member of the ballet at the National Theater in Belgrade (1928). First, with expressed music and strong temperament. It comes to Skopje as head of the ballet, pedagogue and choreographer at MNT (1952). Director is the ballet school in Skopje (1956-1962). D. It provides a very significant contribution to the creation of new ballet staff and the development of ballet art in Macedonia. Choreographies: “Sheherezada” (N. R. Corsakov), “Dance Invitation” (K. Webber), “Labin and Dojrana” (T. Prokopiev). Em. Ⅹ.
Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
Кириличен напис ДОБРОХОТОВ, Александар