Alexy ⅰ.

Alexy ⅰ Compeople (1048-1118) – Byzantine Emperor (1081-1 1118), founder of the computer dynasty, representative of military nobility. He fought against the Normans, the bakedists, the SR-bite, the Kumani and Seljuki in Asia Minor. He managed to stabilize Byzantium and save him from decay. In the internal plan, the Proni system received a military character, created a new army and fleet. He settled bakedists and Kumani in Macedonia (Meglen). Lit.: F. CHLANDON, ESSAI SUR La Ragnated D’Alejis ⅰ Tomnaène (1081-1118), Paris, 1900 (Reprint Nanj Zork 1971). K. Ag.

Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
Кириличен напис АЛЕКСИЈ Ⅰ

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