
Rodents (Rodentia) – The most special and most successful order of the mammal class (mummalia) with 1,700 types prevalent around the world, with the exception of Antarctica, New Zealand and some Tihiocean Islands. Most species live on the ground, but some have adapted for movement with long jumps, others for life underground, water or trees. Most rodents are social animals living in communities. Joint landmarks are low body, quaddy, long tail, football with claws, long teeth and jaws adapted for roding. The systematic division of rodents is made on the basis of the digestion of the chewing muscle and with it the connected structure of the skull. Macedonia inhabit four families, rodents, with a total of 26 species,: squirrels (SICIRIRIDAE) – Two types, mice, rats, poles and blind dogs (Muridae) – 20 types, Polits (MSOIDAE) – Three types and nutritions (BS cystrida) – one kind. Lit.: S. Petkovski -B. Cricfk, mammals of Macedonia, Skopje, 1998; A. J. Mitzchell-Ion, Mr. Amori, N. Bogdanzz, B. Tsstick, P.J.H. Reinders, F. Spitzenberger, M. Stubba, JB. Tihasen, V. Bulgarial, J. Winter, pla Atlas Off European Mammals, London-San Diego, 1999. St. P. – V. Sid.

Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
Кириличен напис ГЛОДАРИ

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