Aleksandar ⅱ (Shale’dandros B’; Alegandros ⅱ) (370-368 BCE) – Macedonian king from the Argeta Dynasty; The eldest son of Amyna ⅲ and Eurydice, the brother of Perdika ⅲ and Philip ⅱ; COW Bronze coins; It is involved in internal clashes in Thessaly, conquers Larissa and sets a Macedonian army in the city; He was killed in the plot of Ptolema from Alor. Lit.: Diodor SICULUS., 12 Wells., Loeb Chloskikal Library, Harvard Universitis Press, 1963; Justini, Historiaum Piilepzum; Edge Turno Pompeiio, Lib. Julk, Parisiis Mdczzjdii; Justin, Filip’s history. Prev. L. BASOP, Skopje, 2000. A. Shook.
Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
Кириличен напис АЛЕКСАНДАР Ⅱ