Gačeva-Bogoeva, Gordana (Skopje, 1954) – professor at the Faculty of Technology and Metallurgy in Skopje and a scientist in the sub-handle of the polymers. He was educated in Belgrade and Sofia, and graduated, a master’s degree and received a doctorate at the Faculty of Technological and Metallurgy in Skopje (1987). There are more specializations in the country and abroad. He works at the Faculty of Technology and Metallurgy in Skopje (from 1978), and as a full professor since 1999. Areas: chemistry, physical chemistry and technology of synthetic polymers and fibers, as well as polymer composite materials. He is the author of textbooks and aids, as well as numerous scientific papers, patents and research projects. Lit.: “Newsletter UKIM”, no. 723, from 16. ⅱ 1999, p. 125; 40 years of Technological and Metallurgy Faculty – Skopje, Monograph, TMF Skopje, 2000, p. 65c. H. J.
Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
Кириличен напис ГАЦЕВА-БОГОЕВА, Гордана