Garevski, Risto (village Bashino Village, Veles, 22. ⅲ 1922) – Full professor at the Mining and Geological Faculty – Stip. A world renowned paleontologist, researcher of fossil mammals from Neogene and quarter old age. He graduated from the Faculty of Philosophy – Skopje, Department of Biology (1952), while Phyaleonology at Ljubljana University, Slovenia (1966). In the neogenic and quarterly sediments of the Veles, Tikvesh, Skopje and other basins, found and ordered many fossil species of surfes, gazelles, horses, giraffes, rhinos, cattle, tigers, hyenas, cave bears, and panters, primacy and extincial types of hoars ruminants. BIB: Stratographic and paleontological significance of the Pleistocene fauna from the Makarovec Cave in the Gorge of the Babuna River in the vicinity of Titov Veles, especially. ed. of PMM, 6, 1969; Initer Beutrag Zur Kennthenas der Pikeri-Mazedones, Der Mastodonszhall Vern Der Umberong Desice Dolni Dolni Dissan (Negotino), especially. ed. of PMM, 7, 1976; HipParons (Mammalia Perisdazzta) FROM MACEDONIA, SUHLAVIA: Stip, “Geol. Macendonica, “c. 3, but. 2, Shtip, 1989, p. 159-206. N. Dum.
Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
Кириличен напис ГАРЕВСКИ, Ристо