Vladislav grammar – a fruitful writer of ⅹⅴ c. Life data only from his works. It originates from New Brdo in Kosovo, lived and worked in the Zegeligov region, in Mann. “St. Mother of God, “Matejce, Skopje Crna Gora. He is the author of 4 huge matches with mixed content, preserved in autograph, written calligraphic, mainly with a petty half of the correct church. Slov. J. With a resident spell and artistic illustrations: miniatures, vignettes, heads and initials. Only ⅰ Proceedings (1455) is written in young Nagorichino, all others (ⅱ from 1469, ⅲ – 1473, ⅳ – 1479) in MAN. “St. B-Cana, Matejce. Collections contain 311 creations of about 70 vizant. and a layer. authors, in a total scale of 5400 pages. They are not mechanically prescribed, but deeply designed with a wide anthological grip. Each of the collections has its own physiognomy with special themes. Vladislav Grammar: Manuscript (1479) Lit.: Mr. Danchev, Vladislav grammar. Writer and writer, Ban, S. 1969; B. Rajkov, Vl. Grammar, “Palaeologic”, 15, 4 (1991), 39-49; R. Ugrinova-Skalovska, VL. Grammar and unity of Souznllov. Literary tradition, teaching 16 seminar for MAK. J., Literature and Culture, Ohrid – Skopje, 1983; P. HR. Ilievski, tradition and innovations in Macedonia. Church. Slov. Literary monuments from the Turkish period, Manu, 2005, 31-76. P. HR. Il.
Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet