Bunov, Alexander (Shumen, 27. ⅷ 1879 – p. Dobriste, Blagoevgradic, 27. IX 1924) – Dian on TMORO / VMORO and People’s MP; Bulgarian. As a member of TMORO (1903), he was the Commission in Skopje, a member of the Russian District Revolutionary Committee (1905), a member of the CC of the National Federal Party (1908), elected MP in the Ottoman Parliament (1909) and MP in the Bulgarian National Assembly ( 1923). He was killed by Todor Aleksandrov’s supporters. Litt.: E. Komoosterekov, Alexandler Bunnov, Shumen and Shumen, Rh. 3, Sophage, 1971. S. Ml. Buka 1 (Rod Fagus L., Fam. Pagaceae) – The genus covers 9 (10) deciduous types of trees (up to 45 m high), prevalent in the northern hemisphere. They have the right stem with a smooth gray crust and with large, spindle pointed folders. The leaves are forgiven, eggs and smooth. The flowers are unicamous and one-way, collected in ball gaze on holders. The fruits of Buckels are placed in a four-part dome, overgrown with stubins. In the Balkans and in our country, the Mesice Bue is represented (F. Moisia. Mesophilic species. It is the most important wooden kind for Macedonian forestry, but its significance is even greater than an environmental aspect, since its ecosystems are long-lasting, and its functions are crucial for the protection and quality of the environment. Valued species in horticulture as a soleter or as an alley tree. Al. And. 2
Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
Кириличен напис БУЈНОВ, Александар