Zupan, Aleksandar (Struga, 6. 1919 – Skopje, 23. Xi 1983) – Architect. He graduated from the Faculty of Architecture in Belgrade (1949). Specialized a sanitary technique in Zagreb. He founded the Sanitary Technique Department of the Central Hygienic Office in Skopje and was his head. He dealt with architectural design of housing, social and health buildings. Significant realized facilities: City Assembly in Kavadarci (1950); National Bank in Kavadarci (1951); City Theater in Struga (1952); General Hospital in Kavadarci (1955); General Hospital in Struga (1959); Oncological Institute in Skopje (1959). Cr. T.
Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
Кириличен напис ЖУПАН, Александар