Vodno, Markovi Towers

Vodno, Markovi Towers – Ranovisan Castrone raised on the Hill Markovi Towers, the ultimate eastern edition of the mountain Vodno. Later in the Middle Ages, the fortress was renewed and known from the sources as a medieval city of Chrance, where the name of today’s settlement Crnice originated, in his north-but the footer. The oldest phase is a late antique of the first half of ⅳ c. AD From which only one semicircular tower and bronze coins remained. The second phase represents a monumental fortress with 30 towers. It was composed by an acropolis, city and eastern suburb. The third phase dates back to the mature Middle Ages (XI – ⅻ c.). Then the acropolis was restored with a huge frontal polygonal bastion and four rectangular eastern towers. The fortress is a large 400 x 70 m. The following facilities are highlighted: a suitable fortification complex consisting of a radianozantic trigon and a medieval polygonal bastion; medieval castle, facility in the central part of the acropolis (22.5 x 12 m); Two large renewal-water snake Belowko Skopje with the mountain water-water tank tanks for water with dimensions 23.5 x 12.5 m and 16.4 x 11.7 m, deep more than 10 m, which collected 2,400 cubic meters of water (were covered With vaults in Early Byzantine construction technique). More coins from ⅳ, ⅵ and from ⅻ-ⅻ c., Ranovisan plumbing of ceramic tubes-tube, as well as parts of the Aavaro-Slavic equipment (Fibules, a clearer button by Suchava, paragnathida from the helmet, parts of jewelry, golden stud, ceramic ceptive for baking bread from Slavic type. Lit.

Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
Кириличен напис ВОДНО, Маркови Кули

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