Trajkovski, volumes

Trajkovski, Thomas (Bitola, 1933 – Bitola, 1998) – businessmen, constructor, UNIV. Professor. He graduated from the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering in Belgrade (1960). He worked at the refrigerator factory “Georgi Naumov” in Bitola as a constructor, he was head of the department and a manager of a plant. The Higher Technical School in Bitola was elected as a freelance teacher (1962), and in 1968. Enter a regular employment. With the establishment of the Technical Faculty in Bitola, it was elected Associate Professor, and then for full professor (1982) on subjects transport devices, materials technology and machining. He received his doctorate at the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering in Skopje (1982). He published sixty papers from the areas of tire, the means of transport and processing technology. He was Dean of the Technical Faculty in Bitola and Rector of the University “St. Kliment Ohridski “in Bitola (1991-1993). It was a sports pilot and president of the Air Force Union of Macedonia (1993-1995). Ch. K. Ljupco Trajkovski -Fice Trajkovski-Fis, Ljupco

Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
Кириличен напис ТРАЈКОВСКИ, Тома

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