Savits, Irena

Savits, Irena (Sanitz, Irena) (Warsaw, Poland, 20. ⅸ 1944) – Polish linguist, Slavist, Balkanist, phonetic, phonogologist, Austric of a dozen books and over two hundred articles mainly in the field of Slavic phonolic and phonology. Co-author (with Lj. Spasov) of the phonology of the Macedonian Standard language (Skopje, 1997), author of theory within which the book is written, and co-author (with B. Vidoyes and Z. Topolignska) of the volume 2. Prosododod (Skopje, 2000) Within the series of Macedonian-Poland grammatical confrontation. It has also determined the place of MAK. Language within the Slavic phonetic and phonological typology, and 10 its articles are committed only to the Macedonian issues. Z. T. Elisabeth Savchenko

Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
Кириличен напис САВИЦКА, Ирена

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